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Number of items: 62.

Abdadi, Irawan (2022) Preferensi strategi belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran bahasa inggris berbicara di Pesantren Nurul Haramain”. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Ainurahmah, Nurlaela (2022) Exploring pre-service efl teachers’ tpac knowledge at tbi UIN Mataram Academic Year 2021/2022. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Amrin, Khairul (2022) Efektivitas Teknik Team Games Tournament (TGT) untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa pada kelas X di MAN 1 Lombok Barat Tahun Pelajaran 2021-2022. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Aprinoto Hebri, Aji (2022) The effect of using short story technique toward students’ reading comprehension at the tenth grade of MA NW Pengadang In Academic Year 2022/2023. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Ayu Taradita, Mila (2022) An analysis of students’ error in changing active to passive voice at The Second-Year Students Of The Ma Raudlatuthollibin Nw Paokmotong. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Bambang, Bambang (2022) First grade students’ perception on using baamboozle application in learning vocabulary At MTs Negeri 3 Mataram In Academic Year 2021/2022. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Budiarsih, Puji (2022) The effect of using audiovisual media on the students' english speaking skills at SMPN 3 Narmada. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Daud, Ahmad (2022) The effectiveness of teaching vocabulary by using show and tell method at MTs Darul Muhajirin Putra. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Fajardini, Cahyatul (2022) Improving the students’ speaking skil by using direct method at second grade of the MAN 3 Mataram In Academic Year 2021/2022. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Fajri Haromaini, Nur (2022) Efektivitas film animasi dalam meningkatkan keterampilan mendengarkan kelas VIII Mts Negeri 1 Lombok Timur Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Faoziah, Austina (2022) The implementation of cooperative learning with time token arends strategy in improving The First Grade Students’ Speaking Skills At SMAN 1 Jonggat In Academic Year 2021/2022. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Fizikrillah, Latania (2022) Improving students’ vocabulary by using the recitation method at SMP Al-Hikmah Utan. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Gozali, Ahmad (2022) Pengaruh teknik JIGSAW terhadap membaca pemahaman siswa kelas II MA Al Jamil Bare Eleh Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Gozali, Ahmad (2022) The influence of jigsaw technique toward reading comprehension at The Second Grade Students Of The Ma Al Jamil Bare Eleh In Academic Year 2020/2021. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Hadi, Samsul (2022) Meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa menggunakan tehnik oral presentasi di Kelas 2 MTs Sullamul Ma’ad Al-Ma’arif. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Hadi, Samsul (2022) Meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa menggunakan tehnik oral presentasi di Kelas 2 Mts Sullamul Ma'ad Al-Ma'arif. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Hazmi, Muhimmatul (2022) Penggunaan cerita pendek dalam pembelajaran pengucapan konsonan dan vokal bahasa inggris pada siswa kelas dua Mts Nurul Iman Bundua Lombok Tengah Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Hidayati, Nurul (2022) Film sebagai media untuk meningkatkan pembicaraan narasi siswa kelas IIB di SMK Yusuf Abdussatar Kediri Tahun Ajaran 2021/2022. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Hikmatussa'adah, Hikmatussa'adah (2022) Hubungan antara kreativitas dengan prestasi belajar bahasa inggris pada siswa Kelas X MA Darul Fatihin Nw Gerintuk Lombok Timur Tahun Ajaran 2021/2022. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Hulaivi, Danilul (2022) Penggunaan teknik informasi gap dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa Kelas 2 MA Tahzibul Akhlaq Sisik Pringgarata. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Husna, Asmaul (2022) Improving the second grade students’ reading skills through preview, ask question, read and summarize (PARS) strategy at SMA Al-Ashriyah Sesela. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Husnul, Husnul (2022) Pengaplikasian teknik membaca skimming dan scanning untuk meningkatkan membaca pemahaman pada siswa EFL di MA Darul Muhajirin Praya tahun ajaran 2022/2023. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Istiqomah, Istiqomah (2022) The effectiveness of extensive reading approach toward students’ vocabulary mastery at the seventh grade students of Mts Negeri 2 Mataram. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Jayadi, Muh. Karman (2022) Improving reading comprehension through reciprocal teaching technique at the first grade students of MA NW Wanasaba In Academic Year 2021/2022. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Jumiyati, Jumiyati (2022) Strategi Mengajar Yang Digunakan Guru Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berbicara Siswa MTs Al-Madaniyah Jempong Barat Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Karman Jayadi, Muh. (2022) Meningkatkan pemahaman membaca melalui teknik reciprocal teaching pada siswa Kelas I MA NW Wanasaba Tahun Akademik 2021/2022. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Kusman Hadi, Doni (2022) Pengaruh strategi bertanya terhadap pemahaman membaca Siswa Kelas XI MAN 02 Lombok Timur TahunPelajaran 2021/2022. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Kusuma, Yogi Nata (2022) Improving the student reading comprehension through listenread-discuss (l-r-d) strategy at the tenth grade of MA AsySyafiiyah Goak in Academic Year 2021/2022. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Mahyuni, Lia (2022) Meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata siswa melalui cerpen di kelas X MA Darul Muhajirin Praya Tahun Pelajaran 2022/2023. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Maulana Ersalengga, Asroroy (2022) Analisis strategi pertanyaan guru dalam interaksi kelas Bahasa Inggris di Kelas XI MAN 1 Lombok Timur Tahun Ajaran 2020/2021. Diploma thesis, UIN Mataram.

Maulida, Ananda (2022) Meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa dengan menggunakan film pendek Islam di Kelas Iii Mts Al Badriyah Sundak Rarang Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Mul Ula, Mutammi (2022) Pengajaran tindak tutur melalui role-play untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara bahasa inggris siswa kelas Dua Mts. Darul Husaini. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Nadia, Siti (2022) Keefektifan komik strip terhadap penguasaan ekspresi idiomatik siswa kelas 2 MA Al Ikhlasiyah Perampuan Tahun Ajaran 2022/2023. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Ningsih, Lia Astuti Muliana (2022) Efl students’ perceptions of blended learning using lms in speaking class: a case study in english language education study program State Islamic University of Mataram. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Ningsih, Yuliati (2022) Improving reading comprehension by using metacognitive strategies at second grade students of SMAN 1 Janapria. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Nirmawati, Nirmawati (2022) The effect of contextual teaching and learning aproach toword the student writing narrative text ability (a quasi-experimental study at elevent grade student of SMA 1 Praya Barat Daya in the Academic year 2021/2022). Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Nisa’, BQ. Syarifatun (2022) The implementation of daily conversation technique in improving students’ speaking Skill at Mts Dakwah Islamiyah Putri Nurul Hakim Kediri. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Nova, Melia (2022) Penerapan dialog mandiri untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa kelas X MA Darussalam Beremi Tahun Ajaran 2021/2022. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Nurhidayatun, Nurhidayatun (2022) Penggunaan dictogloss dalam lagu bahasa inggris untuk meningkatkan pemahaman menyimak Siswa Kelas Satu MA NW Kabar Tahun Ajaran 2021/2022. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Nurningsih, Nurningsih (2022) Students’ perceptions on using podcasts to learn listening At The Mts Negeri 1 Mataram. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Putri Faradillah, Vani (2022) Pengaruh konten bahasa inggris pada video youtube terhadap kemampuan berbicara siswa kelas X MAN Dompu. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Rahaman, Dodi Andria (2022) Students’ problems in learning speaking skill in intermediate class of Magenta English Course (MEC) Mataram. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Ramdhani, Suci (2022) An analysis of teachers' strategies in improving students' speaking ability at SMAN 1 Pringgarata In The Academic Year 2022/2023. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Ridwan, Ahmad (2022) Penggunaan youtube untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara deskriptif siswa kelas XI MA Nurul Islam Dasan Baru Tahun Pelajaran 2022. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Riesthy, Etika Nova (2022) The effect of content based summarizing technique on the reading skill of the first grade students at SMPN 1 Suralaga Lombok Timur The School Year Of 2021/2022. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Rumhariansyah, M. (2022) Pengaruh SQ4R terhadap pemahaman membaca siswa Kelas III MA NW Sanggeng Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Sabirin, Ahmad (2022) Improving students speaking skill in english lesson by utilizing action learning technique at Grade Eight of The MTs Al-fathiyah. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Safitriani, Rina (2022) The implementation of conversation diary to improve students’ speaking ability at The Eleventh Grade Of Ma NW Wanasaba In Academic Year 2021/2022. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Saputra, Hadi (2022) The implementation of extensivereadingstrategy to improve students readingcomprehension of first grade at Mts Darul Abidin Nw Lendang Ara In Academic Year 2022 / 2023. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Sasmita Dewi, Dian (2022) Pengaruh game reversi terhadap penguasaan grammar siswa Kelas Satu Akademik MA Annajah Sesela Tahun 2021/2022. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Saumi Rahmatun, Bq Sri (2022) Pengaruh gambar berseri dalam pengajaran berbicara pada siswa kelas 8 Madrasah Tsanawiyah Putri Alishlahuddiny Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Sriatun, Sriatun (2022) Exploring teachers and students perceptions on “everyone is a teacher here “(eth) strategy in teaching grammar at The Twelfth Grade Of MAN 3 Lombok Tengah. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Suwarsih Ekawati, Rita (2022) Persepsi dan pengalaman guru siswa efl terhadap dukungan mentor sekolah selama praktikum guru pra-jabatan. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Thoiyyibah, Dzurryatan (2022) Pengaruh penggunaan games terhadap keterampilan berbahasa inggris siswa di MA Al-Jihad Ngali Bima. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Wasilah, Riadatul (2022) Memadukan aplikasi kelas untuk meningkatkan pemahaman membaca siswa tentang teks naratif kelas Sepuluh MAN 3 Mataram Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Wasilah, Riadatul (2022) Memadukan aplikasi kelas untuk meningkatkan pemahaman membaca siswa tentang teks naratif kelas Sepuluh MAN 3 Mataram Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Wasilah, Riadatul (2022) Memadukan aplikasi kelas untuk meningkatkan pemahaman membaca siswa tentang teks naratif kelas sepuluh MAN 3 Mataram Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Wulandari, Wulandari (2022) Improving the speaking skill of The Eighth Grade Students’ Of Mts Al-Kasyif Kebon Orong using action learning strategy. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

XIrma, Baiq (2022) The effectiveness of problem based leraning model type of numbered head together (nht) to improve Student’s interest in english subject at the 7th Grade Of Mts Asy-Syafi’iyah Pemenang. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Yunita, Baiq Arum (2022) The effectiveness of digital storytelling to improve listening ability of the seventh grade students at The SMP Darul Hamidin Padamara In Academic Year 2022 / 2023. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

Zelda, Zelda (2022) An analysis of students’ difficulties in english speaking for class presentation at second grade of MTsN 1 Bima Town 2021/2022. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Mataram.

syah, M. Murdayan (2022) The evaluation of 2013 curriculum iplementation on english subject at Islamic junior high school of NW Sepakat in academic year 2020/2021. Undergraduate thesis, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan.

This list was generated on Mon Sep 16 05:28:43 2024 WITA.